San Francisco Bath Remodel 2019-12-23T17:13:24-08:00

Project Description

San Francisco Master Bath Remodel


This room was originally a guest bedroom with the corner windows in the same location. When the client asked me to redesign their master bedroom, I suggested that we turn their adjoining guest room into a new master bathroom.


She wanted to bathe by the windows, but needed privacy. So my decorative glass artist created sand blasted windows for a focal point and to let in light. Small areas, without the etching, give her peeks into her yard.




When I was hired to redesign my clients’ master bedroom, they told me I could use, or not use this existing armoire. I thought it would be perfect in the new master bathroom for storing linens and other bathroom supplies.

The glassed in toilet enclosure is on the right. When their existing, 5 ft. square bathroom became a walk-in closet for him, his original closet space was walled off from the adjoining bedroom and opened up to the bathroom to become the toilet space.

